AAG American Additives Group

Is a world-class manufacturing, marketing and research and development firm that provides a wide range of products and services. Some of these include animal feed products, companion animal feed and health products, animal feed ingredients, crop production inputs, sanitation and cleaning products.

AAG is a conduit for a group of companies that work together to produce innovation in agriculture.

American Additives Group has multiple plants and capabilities that include: Dry product manufacturing. Dry product bulk, 50 lbs bags and small pack form fill and seal. Liquid blending and packaging, small fill to tankers many products including acids. Cold feed and supplement pelleting,product production and many other capabilities.

People - Product development expertise

American Additives Group has the people with the experience to develop truly innovative products. Hundreds of years worth of practical experience in nutrition, blending, chemistry with our people and external partners.


The hub area for many of American Additives Group plants are in the Jefferson, GA area Northeast of Atlanta, GA All American Additives Groups products are